Daily Political Newswire

Bow to the Mob: The Rock Demands All Americans Say 'Black Lives Matter'

Hollywood actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is demanding that President Donald Trump and every single American bow down to the mob and utter the words, "black lives matter."

I actually don't personally know of a single person who does not believe that the lives of black people do not matter. I'm not saying they aren't out there, I am just saying that collectively as a society, people are not racist. Unless of course you're white....then you're automatically labeled racist if you don't virtue signal. Right?

I wholeheartedly support people of every single race. I don't care if your skin is purple. We all bleed red and guess what? Jesus died for very single one of our sins. We are ALL precious in his sight.

With that being said, I do not support the Black Lives Matter organization. It is a racist, marxist group that does not deserve funding nor support.

Sadly, just believing in and supporting people of every color isn't enough. We must now mindlessly chant the phrase, "black lives matter" or we are part of the problem according to The Rock and other BLM activists.

“Where is our leader at this time, when our country is down on its knees begging, pleading, hurt, angry, frustrated, in pain? Begging and pleading with its arms out, just wanting to be heard,” the Jumanji said in an Instagram video on Thursday morning. “We must say the words Black Lives Matter.”

Watch below:

The celebrity then indirectly accuses President Trump of not being a leader that “steps up and takes full accountability” and “picks our country up off its knees.”

“Like the majority of Americans, I’m not a politician and I’ve never been elected to office and I am not the president of the United States,” Johnson continued. “But I am a man, and I am a father who cares so deeply about my family, about my children and the world they will live in. I care so deeply about our country and every single person in it.”

“That’s who I am. I am a man who is frustrated, I’m disappointed, I’m angry but I’m also doing my best to stay focused and as calm as I can possibly be in the pocket, to make the best decisions for my family and make the best decisions for our country,” he added. “So as we continue to wait for that leader to emerge, I recommend to all of you that we must become the leaders we’re looking for.”

The Rock then falsely declares that Trump of used military force against protesters, which was debunked.

“There has been military force that has been deployed on our own people. Looters? Yes. Criminals? Absolutely. But on protesters, who are begging and pleading?” The Rock questioned. “On protesters who are in pain? You would be surprised how people in pain would respond when you say to them, ‘I care about you.’ When you say to them, ‘I’m listening to you.'”

He concluded, "The process to change has already begun. It’s going to take time. We’re going to get beat up. We’re going to take our lumps. There’s going to be blood. But the process to change has already begun.”

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