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CNN Analyst Apologizes for Discussing Hillary's Emails Too Much

cnn analyst hillary's emails

How great is this?

CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin appeared on CNN Monday and apologized for spending too much time discussing Hillary's emails during the 2016 election. He even said she "very likely lost the election because of it."

Or maybe it was because she was a disaster of a candidate, but let's let the past be just that, in this instance.

"I hope a lesson is learned," Toobin said. "I mean, this story turns out to be … a big nothing, and we spent months on it. Hillary Clinton very likely lost the election because of it, and I think I should have been talking about other issues, not about the e-mails."

When Toobin isn't apologizing for talking about Hillary Clinton's emails, he's a big-time critic of President Trump's White House.

CNN, along with the Democratic Party, has a hard time dealing with reality. The election is over, President Trump is in charge. Deal with it.

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They are already rolling out the excuses with the 2020 election on the way. It's almost like they are "warming up."

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