Dem Senator: ‘Hypothetically’ Trump Could be Impeached for ‘Hateful, Racist’ Tweets

Oh goodness gracious. Are there any Democratic lawmakers who actually have some sort of brain? Or are they all some form of mindless zombie that continuously repeat, “orange man bad,” on an endless loop?

Democratic Senator Chris Coons suggested on Tuesday to MSNBC that President Trump could “hypothetically” be impeached for his “hateful, racist” tweets.

First of all, I will pay $5 to anyone who can truly pull up a hateful, racist tweet since Trump has been president. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that you can’t find any racist tweets from before he was president either.

MSNBC host Chuck Todd said, “I have to say, one of the logic things I don’t understand when I hear people making declarations about ‘this is not an impeachable offense.’ Correct me if I’m wrong, the impeachable offense is whatever a majority the House says it is, and if you get ousted, it’s whatever two-thirds of the Senate says?”

Coons replied, “Well, that’s subject to a lot of debate.”

He continued, “It is a political process, Chuck. You’re right that we don’t have detailed documentary evidence of what the Founders meant by high crimes and misdemeanors. We have some history from the United Kingdom, where they used that term in impeachment over a long period of time. Understanding this is the Constitutional mechanism for removing the president, I find it hard to believe that it has to be a specifically plead federal crime.”

“If, for example, the president of the United States just chose to move to his golf resort in Scotland for two years and not come back, not return calls, not be the president, don’t you think we could impeach him and remove him for dereliction of duty, even though there’s no specific crime?” Coons inquired.

“If the president hypothetically were to start adopting some hateful, racist position and tweeting and saying things that violated all of our values and were offensive to every American and didn’t specifically commit a crime, couldn’t we remove him in that instance?” he concluded.

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