Daily Political Newswire

Dems Want Us to 'Eat Less Meat' to 'Fight Climate Change'

Democrats seem to be getting crazier by the day. As the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates debated on Thursday, and addressed their plans to "stop climate change," they seemed to rally together over a mutual idea: limit meat consumption.

Yep, that's right. Democrats want us to eat less meat in order to combat a natural occurrence. The climate changing is natural. There's no way to "fight" it. Even if there was, I guarantee you that limiting our consumption of meat would not be the answer.

Independent Journal Review reports:

During Thursday’s climate change town hall hosted by CNN, 2020 Democratic hopeful Kamala Harris — who consistently polls at the fourth spot among the others — was asked by an audience member if she supports changing “dietary guidelines to reduce the consumption of red meat in light of the impact of climate change.”

Harris responded that “we have a problem in America,” regarding eating red meat. She added, “The answer is yes. The balance that we have to strike here, frankly, is about what government can and should do around creating incentives and then banning certain behaviors."

Asked again, if elected, if she’d back “changing the dietary guidelines,” the Democratic senator said she would, in regards to red meat consumption.

When contender Andrew Yang was asked the same question, he followed suit behind Harris. He pointed to a U.N. study that states, “We’re going to be okay if the vast majority of the world goes vegetarian immediately.”

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He added that it would be better for both the environment and Americans if they began to "eat less meat." Yang added, “So I think it would be healthy on an individual and societal level to move in that direction. But again this is a country where there is a lot of individual autonomy and so you can’t force people’s eating choices on them. All do you know is try to shape our system so that over time we evolve in a productive way.”

The two Democratic candidates are among others who have tossed their support behind the Green New Deal laid out initially by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) to combat climate change, as IJR News reported.

What on earth? These people are seriously wack. I don't know about you, but I will continue to eat my fair share of steak!

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