Expert Reveals China's 'Chokehold' on Medicine Could Shut Down Our Hospitals within Months

According to Hastings Center Senior Advisor Rosemary Gibson, Chine could essentially cripple our  healthcare system due to their "global chokehold" on medicines and medical supplies. The author of China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine believes that American hospitals could be shut down within months. 

On Thursday, Gibson spoke with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Ed Martin.

Mansour noted how the coronavirus outbreak in China has exposed America’s dangerous dependence on Chinese production of pharmaceutical and medical supplies, including an estimated 97 percent of all antibiotics and 80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients needed for domestic drug production.

Gibson said, “If China shuts the door on exports of medicines and the ingredients to make them, within a couple of months our pharmacies would be empty. Our healthcare system would cease to function. That’s how dependent we are.”


“Say there’s a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, God forbid, and a lot of people end up in hospitals with severe cases." She continued, "The medicines needed to care for them if they can’t breathe and are on a ventilator — fentanyl and propofol — [are made in China]. We depend on China for the raw materials. If they go into shock, the epinephrine and dopamine we need to care for them, we depend on China. If they have bacterial infections, we depend on China for the antibiotics.”

“We can’t make [vitamin C] here anymore. That comes from China," she explained, “With our medicines, it’s not just the active ingredient [that is made in China]. It’s the raw chemicals, the molecules, the white powdery stuff, that we also depend on China for. That’s where China has the real global chokehold.”

She also explained how manufacturers of generic drugs around the world are dependent on China for the raw materials to do so.

“Another shocking thing I discovered is that India and its huge generic [drug] industry — they’re the top generic producer in the world, although I think China’s going to overtake them in about five to ten years — even India depends on China,” Gibson said, ” [India’s] generic industry would shut down within weeks and months without those core components, and you see it in the Indian press, right now, that they’re already concerned about this because this coronavirus in China is really disrupting supply chains.”

“I documented China’s penicillin cartel. There’s an incredible story of how we lost our penicillin manufacturing plants. These are huge industrial facilities, big fermentation plants, and China came in and knocked them out in the U.S. and even India by dumping it on the global market at really cheap prices — keeping it low for several years — and then the price goes back up again," she revealed. 

Gibson chillingly declared, “So we can’t make penicillin, and this was the playbook for how we lost aspirin manufacturing, vitamin C, and so many other antibiotics that we rely on. We’re talking about last-resort antibiotics, medicines to treat sepsis, MRSA, [and] C. diff. These are the antibiotics you give to your kids for ear infections, or you take if you have a tooth infection of staph infection.”

She warned, “We are so vulnerable. These are infectious diseases, and we depend on China to treat them.”

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