Old Ken Jennings Drivers License Resurfaces, Drawing Comparison Between Him and Alex Trebek

Jeopardy! fans are buzzing. They're comparing Ken Jennings' facial hair to the late Alex Trebek's. Jennings himself said he couldn't "compete with Alex" on the mustache front.

During an Instagram Q&A, Jennings tackled various topics. One fan asked if he'd grow a "'70s Trebek style mustache." He replied, “I feel like you can’t compete with Alex in any arena, but mustache, least of all."

Jennings teased fans further. He mentioned an old driver's license photo from college. "I have a very scraggly mustache, and it’s a bad one,” he admitted.

Fans quickly found the photo. A Reddit debate erupted. Should Jennings try the mustache look? One fan thought he "should," calling it a "fine tribute" to Trebek. Others disagreed.

"He should, but it would look terrible," joked one fan. Another said, "STRONG 'no.'"

Opinions were bold. "Ew no. Anyone who can actually pull it off is just an exception," wrote one. Another added, "I wouldn't wish for that."

Someone quipped, "How would we be able to tell him and his evil twin apart?" Another suggested it be a seasonal look: "Maybe in November, but not all the time."

Many fans like Jennings as he is. Comments like, "Ken is perfect already!" and, "He’s perfect as is," flooded in.

Jennings started with Jeopardy! as a contestant. He became a guest host in 2021 after Trebek's death. By late 2023, he was the solo permanent host.