Omar Admits She Believes Tara Reade, 'Still Voting for Biden' Though

The entire #MeToo movement is a joke to Democrats. Just the fact that they are tossing aside Tara Reade proves that.

On Monday, Rep. Ilhan Omar admitted that she believes Reade, but that she will vote for former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election. Reade is Biden's former Senate staffer, who has come forward and accused the candidate of sexual assault.

“Believing survivors is consistent with my values,” Omar said. “Yes, I endorsed against Biden and I didn’t pick him as our nominee. With that said, in this interview I did on May 6th, we talked about that and quotes aren’t always in context. I will vote for him and help him defeat Trump.”

Breitbart reports:

Omar’s recommitment to Biden’s candidacy comes one day after Britain’s Sunday Times published an interview with the freshman congresswoman, in which she said she believes Biden sexually assaulted Tara Reade in 1993.

“I do believe Reade,” Omar told the newspaper. “Justice can be delayed, but should never be denied.” According to the interviewer, Omar added that if it was up to her, Biden would not be the Democratic nominee.

Omar’s remarks were echoed by fellow “Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who recently said Reade’s allegation “certainly seems as though something has happened.”

“There have been investigative journalists that have corroborated certain aspects of her account — that is undeniable — [and] have raised questions about other aspects of her account,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “I’m not sure. Frankly, this is a messy moment, and I think we need to acknowledge that — that it is not clear-cut.”

So they believe the woman, yet they will still advocate and vote for the man who sexually assaulted her?? Like I said, #MeToo is a joke to them.

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