The left is pushing HARD for mail-in voting for the 2020 presidential election in November. Why? Because they know the results would be easily manipul...
What in the actual heck is going on?? There is absolutely insanity when a toddler (or anyone for that matter) is forced to wear a mask to the point th...
American Conservative commentator, author, and political activist Candace Owens is continuing to do what she does best: call out the left, especially ...
Michael Moore has a level of Trump Derangement Syndrome that is matched by few. Despite this, he continues to raise the bar.
On September 11, the 19t...
Iran is is constantly up to no good and this recently discovered plot to kill a U.S. ambassador to get revenge for the killing of Soleimani is proof.
I am absolutely appalled and disgusted at the fact that there are people walking this earth who are not only sexually attracted to children, but they ...
It's no secret who China would prefer as the U.S. president. "Beijing" Joe Biden would love to cancel any progress President Trump has made with China...
It's important to not forget some of Joe Biden's work as Vice President. Including his disastrous approach to the raid and killing of Osama bin Laden....
Former Vice President Joe Biden declared on Thursday that President Donald Trump's peacemaking between Israel and numerous Arab states were done so "a...