On Sunday, the United Nations, which hews to a leftist agenda, evinced more of its antagonistic attitude with a tweet quoting its Secretary-General, A...
On Sunday, American Airlines (AA) announced fight attendants will be permitted to wear “Black Lives Matter” pins on their uniform, an announcement tha...
There is a reoccurring trend I see in cities run by Democrats: destroy the city, trash the president, and then beg for a bailout....if the president w...
Former Vice President Joe Biden declared that women have "never had a fair shot" in America, adding that "women of color" are especially at a disadvan...
The left is ridiculously desperate. Every plan they have come up with from the beginning has failed miserably. They couldn't get rid of President Dona...
Police are now looking for a young black man after he walked by an elderly woman with a walker and brutally punched her in the head, knocking her to t...
I do not support the Black Lives Matter movement. However, I fully support Black Guns Matter! Firearm ownership among black Americans has surged in re...