Former First Lady Michelle Obama, like her husband, is stepping out of the shadows once again to stir the pot. She took a long needed break from the h...
Never bow to the mob and never apologize for your skin color. You have absolutely no control over the race you are born and unless you have specifical...
Democrats have done absolutely everything in their slimy, grimy power to impeach President Donald Trump. When that didn’t work, the immediately set in...
Two Buffalo, New York police officers were suspended without pay after a video went viral of them knocking down an elderly man. Now they have been cha...
While the biggest clown in America could easily go to many people, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, this article is not about her.
Democratic pr...
On Tuesday, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson talked about how YouTube removed the video of two California doctors who were calling for the reopening ...
Joe Biden continues to fan the hate and division against Trump along with other deep staters like Retired Gen Mattis. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco...