I don't know about you, but I will not be giving my business to places that require masks be work in order to shop. I will, however, GLADLY give my bu...
The press is widely known for giving a point of view that fits their narrative. Whether that narrative is to incite fear or anger, the tactic is the s...
On Saturday, Tesla CEO Elon Musk threatened to pull his company out of California due to their ridiculous lockdown policies. He claimed tat he would s...
Yikes! With "non-essential" businesses being closed due the coronavirus, and police not cracking down on "smaller" crimes, this is the perfect time fo...
Has the 'Rona got you in the dumps thinking you'll miss football? No fear! The National Football League (NFL) announced that they plan to start their ...
Many states have closed abortion offices (praise the Lord) in order to conserve supplies due to spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Elective and non-e...
An elderly woman in New York was attacked by a stranger at her local hospital, and has died as a result of the assault.
Janie Marshall, 86, died less...
I am personally thrilled to hear President Donald Trump slamming California Governor Gavin Newsom and his executive order allowing registered voters t...
Despite the fact that mail-in ballots can be used to cheat and change the outcome of an election, Democrats are still trying to push it for November. ...
On Friday, President Donald Trump spoke about the unnecessary murder of Ahmaud Arbery, and how it should have never happened. He said that the video ...