Daily Political Newswire

You Won't Believe the State That Leads in Campaign Donations for President Trump

campaign donations for president trump

President Trump's campaign manager Brad Parscale spoke at the California Republican Party Convention on Saturday. While speaking, Parscale told the crowd that California is the state that leads in campaign donations for President Donald Trump.

“There may not be a ton of you, but the ones we have are warriors,” said Parscale who also worked for the 2016 Trump campaign. On top of that he also helped to launch America First Policies, a non-profit that helps lead digital strategies for the Republican National Committee and also promotes President Trump's agendas. 

In 2016 President Trump lost the state of California by a wide margin. A large, vocal portion of the state has opposed Trump, including California Governor Gavin Newsom.

“Many of you feel that we have written you guys off, that California doesn’t matter. I will tell you this, there is a lot of work to be done but keep in mind this is not a swing state,” Parscale said to the California audience.  “We are taking lessons from 2016 to create a robust campaign for 2020. This fight isn’t about future elections this fight is about the future of this country.”

See, all is not bad in California.

Other Stories on California:

People in California like to pretend that their entire state hates President Trump. While the 2016 vote shows that obviously much of their state does, these campaign donation numbers don't lie. There are obviously some big-time Trump donors in the state of California.

Something tells me that many Californians will be "triggered" by this.

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