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Auntie Maxine: 'Trump Impeachment will Move Quickly'

"I understand that all of the chairs of the six committees [mentioned in Pelosi's statement] will be involved in basically coming up with what should be articles of impeachment, based on the work we’ve been doing." -Rep. Maxine Waters

Congresswoman Maxine Waters appeared on MSNBC's “The Rachel Maddow Show" on Tuesday, and told viewers that House Democrats plan to "move very quickly" in their plot to impeach Trump.

Maddow asked Waters, “Can you tell us anything about the expected timeline there, either in terms of when you and your fellow chairs are expected to meet to talk together about these matters or when this overall is something that we should expect to come to fruition?”

“Well, it’s going to move very quickly." Waters responded, "We met today and we will be meeting perhaps tomorrow, programs the next day but it’s going to move quickly.”

“What do you expect the Judiciary Committee might be considering potential articles of impeachment?" Maddow inquired.

Waters replied, “I don’t have that information, but I do expect that the judiciary committee is prepared to move very quickly.”

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"I know that a discussion has started on that. I don’t know that it will happen, that we will not be in recess but I know that that is under discussion," Waters added in reference to whether they will skip the Congressional recess or not.

Here is the interview:

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