On Monday, former Vice President Joe Biden said that he wishes the president would "just be quiet" about the coronavirus, while on with MSBBC's "Last Word."
“I wish he would just be quiet, I really mean it. Th...
On Monday, Senator Cory Booker announced that he is backing former Vice President Joe Biden for the Democratic candidate.
“The answer to hatred & division is to reignite our spirit of common purpose.@Jo...
That's it. I have heard it all!
As a southern person, I say the word "y'all" all the time. It is a conjunction of the words "you" and "all". I use it for everyone. It doesn't matter if you're male, female, old...
Wow, Nancy Pelosi is really doing the most. After the House Democrats voted to impeach President Trump, the house speaker has held on to the articles of impeachment rather than send them to the Senate for a tri...
Former Vice President Joe Biden is now the youngest person in the Democratic primaries at 77 years old, with Bernie Sanders at 78 years old. However, he is already showing extreme signs of senility.
Democrat s...
Senator Mitt Romney is going to vote in favor of a subpoena for the Senate Republicans' investigation into the Ukranian energy company Burisma and the Bidens' dealings with them.
Rattlesnake Romney doesn't do ...
Recently Joe Biden has hyped up the left by promises to go after gun manufacturers. They've linked up a few times with Biden telling Beto O'Rourke, "You're going to take care of the gun problem with me."
According to across Patricia Arquette, the world is off it's axis, and we are all about to die....oh yeah, and it's all Trump's fault! Time to put down the drink and reign in the crazy a little there, Patty gir...