Long-time San Francisco Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), 80, secured her fourth term as Speaker of the House of Representatives on Sunday afternoon ...
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), who is an ordained United Methodist minister, opened the first session of the 117th Congress on Sunday by praying in the ...
Over the weekend Joe Biden suffered an injury while playing with his dog. The results from new imaging tests show Biden's injury is more serious than ...
A massive Islamic terrorist attack led by Boko Haram resulted in at least 110 people dead in Nigeria on Saturday. It appears most of the victims were ...
President Donald Trump passed legislation to ensure that people who have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria (a literal mental disorder) and received...
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp started out strong, but seems to be more and more passive as time passes. He is not proving to be the Conservative man tha...
Former President Barack Obama told CBS's "The Late Show" that it was a "screwup" for his administration to not honor Dolly Parton with a Presidential ...
According to Los Angeles Times, up to half of the healthcare workers in California are refusing the coronavirus vaccine. This has lead to a surplus of...